Tuesday 1 March 2011

22nd Feb 2011

One of the saddest days of my life - yet it was still my 23rd Bday, (as promised Chch sweets) here are some pictures of me trying to smile and be happy!

Georgina - please note the trifle! Haha lasted a good four days! Outstanding!

Birthdays will never be the same unfortunatly - still thinking of you chch x

XMAS 2010

Sure its three months late, get over it. Here are a few photos of my English, white christmas!

 Just a bit of casual Montana Sav!

 Precious Xmas tree!

Legit Christmas cake made by mothers fair hands - she may have accidentally left half of the flour out of the actual cake, but it was still delicious!

Hurst Road - our road, wee bit on the cold and snowy side of life!

I want it to be Christmas all over again!

Pre Northern Hemisphere fun...aka Southern Hemisphere fun!

So I have finally got a grasp with technology and have uploaded some gold found on my wee pink camera (Not that I am a complete tard, but cant find my camera charger blah blah blah, turns out I dont need it to upload photos!) The photos date back to the days when I had a laptop (RIP laptop, you were a treasured electronic) but these photos didnt make it on, and therefore didn't make it into the thief's life!

So first photo of fun is as follows....

Disney on Ice bitchesssssss...I don't think I've seen Charlie so excited in my life! Too cute, speaking of which - Harper! Enough said! (The show was a bit too hard to see in photos - the memories of The Incredibles on Ice will be with us always!)

One last photo...best Sunday night fam dins EVAAAAH! You look super attractive Gem! Charles - I left that blankie in Chch, regrets to the max!

Having a few issues with the video situash - Pistol, I wanted to upload the ferry video. Barry and Peter will be so proud!

 SOOOOOOO I shall also do a  'Lately in my life' blog for you all to get excited about (Ikea photo included as well as some truely outstanding Xmas fun, and dont even get me started on the day I had lolly cake!)

Thats all for now - have a great day, go on FB and look at my new album!


Sunday 12 December 2010

And so it begins...

So the decision to start a blog was an easy one, the naming of said blog, not so much....so many choices yet very few perfect or 100% accurate. Thank you to my sweet for helping me decide on such an outstanding title....I think I'm going to really enjoy this blog game.